Instant recap of Penn State football home opener vs. Bowling Green

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — A brand new and improved Penn State soccer offense debuted in Beaver Stadium on Saturday.

The doubtless even-better-than-last 12 months protection was showcased, but in addition challenged in its home-opener towards the Bowling Inexperienced Falcons.

Bowling Inexperienced led many of the first half and into the third quarter earlier than the Lions had been in a position to pull forward.

Try Penn State’s surging recruiting class

Here is your on the spot recap from Penn State’s 34-27 win Saturday.

Penn State soccer vs. Bowling Inexperienced scoreboard and updates

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FINAL: Penn State 34, Bowling Inexperienced 27

Final statistics between Bowling Green and Penn State football Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024 at Beaver Stadium in State College, Pa.

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